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Norgen Biotek

microRNA (cel-miR-39) Spike-In Kit

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Well-accepted microRNA sequence used for normalization in gene expression studies

Best suited for RNA purification from samples with low RNA abundance including liquid biopsies (plasma/serum/urine etc.) and low cell or tissue inputs

Compatible to expression analysis using RT-qPCR - both RNA and matching forward PCR primer provided.

Fully compatible to Norgen's microScript cDNA Synthesis system

Fully compatible to Next Generation Sequencing (Small RNA-Seq) library preparation workflow

The amount of RNA that can be extracted from different biological or clinical samples varies greatly. For example, while a few micrograms of RNA could be easily purified from tissues and cells in excess amounts (such as from a few milligrams of tissue), many liquid biopsy samples may yield very low amounts of RNA. In fact, samples such as urine or plasma may yield 1 - 100 ng or less RNA per 100 µL of sample. Such a range of RNA quantity is often below the detection limit of most commonly used techniques for measuring RNA including nano-spectrophotometry and fluorescent nucleic acid stains. As a result, without properly determined RNA concentration, it becomes very difficult to normalize the starting quantity of RNA used in gene expression studies.

Norgen’s microRNA (cel-miR-39) Spike-In Kit offers a quantified synthetic RNA (cel-miR-39) for spike-in during RNA extraction procedures and subsequent normalization in RT-qPCR assays. The amount of cel-miR-39 RNA recovered after RNA extraction is directly correlated with the amount of total RNA recovered. After reverse transcription (such as with Norgen’s microScript Reverse Transcription system) of the sample RNA (with spike-in), the level of cel-miR-39 can be determined by subjecting the cDNA generated to quantitative PCR (qPCR) using fluorescent nucleic acid stains such as SYBR Green. A cel-miR-39 specific primer is included in the kit. The level of expression of any target transcripts in different RNA samples can now be normalized to the cel-miR-39 transcript level using standard method such as ??Ct relative quantification.

In addition, the cel-miR-39 RNA is compatible to library preparation methods (including ligation-based protocols) in Next Generation Sequencing (Small RNA-Seq) workflows. The cel-miR-39 RNA could be used for normalization as well as for tracking library construction efficiency.

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microRNA (cel-miR-39) Spike-In Kit
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