Immunology, Serology

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Immunology, Serology

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  • Greiner Bio-One

    Streptavidin-coated solid phases serve as reliable binding surfaces for all types of biotinylated molecules. Numerous ligands can be biotinylated simply and due to the low molecular weight of biotin (244 Da) the functionality of the molecules is normally not impaired.Thus streptavidin-coated solid…

  • 96 Well egg crate style holder for 1 x 8 Stripwell™ strips Holds twelve 1 x 8 strips Allows each individual well to be positioned back into the plate once broken apart

  • Greiner Bio-One

    Free of detectable DNase, RNase, human DNA Non-Pyrogenic Ideally suited for agglutination tests No corners, and can therefore be pipetted simply and cleanly Suitable for +/- analyses Suitable for transmission measurements Has been specifically treated to provide an incresed…

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