Norgen Biotek

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Norgen Biotek

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  • Detection kits for H1N1 CE-IVD marked version available for in vitro diagnostic use Available in TaqMan format for analysis Influenza is caused by three immunologic types of RNA viruses (A, B and C) within the Orthomyxoviridae family. Seasonal influenza is typically caused by three major…

  • Detection kits for Low Risk (6/11) HPV detection Available in TaqMan format for analysis. Norgen’s HPV Low Risk (6/11) TaqMan PCR Kit is designed for the detection of HPV Low Risk (6/11) specific DNA in a real-time PCR based on the use of TaqMan technology. This kit is designed for research use…

  • Extract high quality & quantity total RNA including miRNA No phenol step required; isolate all RNA in one fraction Bind & elute all RNA irrespective of size or GC content, without bias Very sensitive & linear down to a few cells without the need for carrier RNA Isolate from a wide variety…

  • Detection kits for the Candidatus Liberibacter Available in TaqMan format for analysis Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), previously known as citrus greening, constitutes the most economically devastating disease of citrus worldwide, being present in around 40 countries. HLB causes severe symptoms,…

  • PCR-based detection kit for Cryptosporidium tyzzer Available in TaqMan format Cryptosporidium is a zoonotic parasite causing a gastrointestinal disease called cryptosporidiosis. It can be transmitted from person to person, or from farm livestock to humans, through the fecal-oral route.…

  • Norgen Biotek

    Isolate DNA from a wide range of food materials. (e.g boiled, fluid, processed or raw food products) No hazardous chemicals required (e.g. phenol or chloroform) Effective lysis with Proteinase K and optional lysozyme treatment Fast (less than 15 minutes hands-on time) and convenient…

  • Isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA, irrespective of size or GC content, without bias Versatile sample input ranges Isolate all sizes of free-circulating RNA, including microRNA? Bind and elute all RNA irrespective of size or GC content, without bias The purified exosomal RNA is…

  • Detection kits for the EBV CE-IVD marked version available for in vitro diagnostic use Available in TaqMan format for analysis Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is a member of the Herpes family of virus and is one of the most common viruses in humans. The virus occurs globally and causes infectious…

  • Protocol optimized for DNA isolated from a diversity of samples including stool, soil, water, saliva, plant, urine, skin, and more Simple and quick workflow: library could be prepared in less than 5 hours Component of Norgen's metagenomics workflow A single NGS run can be prepared with up to…

  • Detection kits for HSVd Available in TaqMan format for analysis The Hop Stunt Viroid (HSVd) is one of a group of the smallest self-replicating RNAs pathogenic to plants. The viroid is a covalently closed, circular, single-stranded RNA consisting of 297 nucleotides. Strains of HSVd can be found…

  • Protocol optimized for DNA isolated from a diversity of samples including stool, soil, water, saliva, plant, urine, skin, and more Simple and quick workflow: library could be prepared in less than 5 hours Component of Norgen's metagenomics workflow A single NGS run can be prepared with up to…

  • Ready-to-use Quantitative Highly Stable Precise Fifteen discrete fragments ranging from 300 bp to 24000 bp Higher intensity reference bands at 5000 bp and 10000 bp The Norgen UltraRanger 1 kb DNA Ladder is prepared to ensure quality and batch-to-batch consistency. Our UltraRanger…

  • Rapid and simple procedure Excellent quality and yield of DNA Process a broad spectrum of plant species and filamentous fungi Isolate total DNA including pathogen DNA without phenol Available in spin column format and 96-well format for high throughput applications These kits provide a…

  • Isolate all sizes of circulating and exosomal RNA, including microRNA Isolate all sizes of circulating DNA from plasma and serum samples Isolate viral and bacterial DNA and RNA Versatile plasma and serum input volumes (10 µL - 200 µL) No phenol extractions Bind and elute all RNA…

  • Norgen Biotek

    Convenient optimized on-column DNase treatment using Norgen's RNA Purification Kits Also includes protocol for digestion in-solution followed by RNA Clean-Up Guaranteed RNase-Free Includes Enzyme Incubation Buffer Cat. 25710 contains one vial of 1,600 units and Cat. 25720 contains 4 vials…

  • Versatile plasma/serum input ranges No phenol extractions Fast and easy processing of samples for the purification and the isolation of RNA. No time-consuming ultracentrifugation. More effective than any other method. EXTRAClean resin separation matrix provides highly purified RNA These…

  • Well-accepted microRNA sequence used for normalization in gene expression studies Best suited for RNA purification from samples with low RNA abundance including liquid biopsies (plasma/serum/urine etc.) and low cell or tissue inputs Compatible to expression analysis using RT-qPCR - both RNA and…

  • Sample collection is non-invasive and painless Fast and easy high throughput processing using 96-well plates Isolate high quality genomic DNA Effective removal of PCR inhibitors Compatible with preserved saliva samples collected using Norgen’s Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Devices,…

  • Detection kits for the Cladosporium cladosporioides Available in TaqMan format for analysis Cladosporium is one of the most widespread molds. It includes about 40 species naturally found in soil, on decaying plant material and as plant pathogens. Cladosporium rot (Cladosporium spp.) of…

  • RNA/microRNA/DNA/Proteins are preserved for more than 2 years at room temperature in Norgen's Urine Preservative Compatible with most DNA, Total RNA, microRNA and protein isolation methods Preservative is available in a single dose liquid format (ampule) Preservative is also available in a…

  • All-in-one solution for inclusion body protein isolation and purification Fast and convenient spin column protocol Complete kit with Cell Lysis Reagent, Inclusion Body Solubilization Reagent, buffers and spin columns to purify proteins Purification is based on spin column chromatography that…

  • Isolate total DNA and RNA from all microorganisms found in water, including bacteria, fungi and algae RNA and DNA are both column purified simultaneously using the same column Elution contains concentrated DNA and RNA without the need for further precipitation Complete RNA (including…

  • Norgen Biotek

    Purify amplified DNA ranging from 100 bp - 15,000 bp in size Fast and efficient spin column format Available in a 50 prep size and a 250 prep size Also available in 96 well format This kit enables the rapid purification of amplified DNA products from PCR mixes. It is able to effectively…

  • PCR-based detection kit for Anisakis spp. Available in TaqMan format Anisakis spp. are parasitic nematodes that have life cycles involving fish and marine mammals and capable of stimulating fish-borne illnesses called Anisakiasis. Anisakiasis is a human parasitic infection of the…

  • Norgen Biotek

    Isolate high quality DNA from a broad variety of phage strains High yields of total DNA Fast and easy processing using a rapid spin-column format No phenol or chloroform extractions or cesium chloride banding required High yields of DNA recovered 3-15 µg DNA from 10 6 -10 10 pfu/mL of…

  • Fractionate leukocytes from whole blood in minutes with provided RBC Lysis Buffer Isolate total RNA, including microRNA, without phenol Rapid and convenient spin-column format and 96-well plate for high throughput applications Purified RNA is ready for any downstream application including…

  • Isolate genomic DNA from all types of bacteria (both Gram-positive and Gram-negative) Rapid and convenient spin column protocol Purified bacterial gDNA has a minimal host gDNA contamination. High yield, high quality DNA for sensitive downstream applications including sequencing, PCR, qPCR and…

  • Detection kits for the TCDVd Available in TaqMan format for analysis Tomato Chlorotic Dwarf Viroid (TCDVd) is a viroid which causes disease in both field and green-house tomatoes. The viroid is a single-stranded RNA molecule consisting of 300 nucleotides, and is closely related to the Potato…

  • Versatile urine input ranges No phenol extractions Concentrate circulating RNA and exosomal RNA into flexible elution volumes Purified RNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications, including Small RNA Sequencing. Find out more information on Norgen's NGS Services EXTRAClean…

  • Ready-to-use Quantitative Highly Stable Precise Fourteen discrete fragments ranging from 25 bp to 650 bp in 50 bp increments Double intensity reference bands at 200 bp and 400 bp The Norgen MiniSizer 50 bp DNA Ladder is prepared to ensure quality and batch-to-batch consistency. This…

  • Detection kits for H5N1 Available in TaqMan format for analysis Influenza virus infection of birds, humans and other animals is a major public health problem worldwide. Influenza viruses are classified as either type A, B or C based on differences in their nucleoproteins and matrix proteins.…

  • Norgen Biotek

    Isolate high quality, high yield plasmid DNA Plasmid DNA is ready for various downstream applications including restriction digestion, bacterial transformation, sequencing and more Available in 4 formats: MiniPrep, MiniPrep (Magnetic Bead System), 96-Well MiniPrep (Magnetic Bead System), and…

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